Etcd High Number Of Failed GRPC Requests

etcdHighNumberOfFailedGRPCRequests #

Meaning #

This alert fires when at least 5% of etcd gRPC requests failed in the past 10 minutes.

Impact #

First establish which gRPC method is failing, this will be visible in the alert. If it’s not part of the alert, the following query will display method and etcd instance that has failing requests:

100 * sum without(grpc_type, grpc_code)
/ sum without(grpc_type, grpc_code)
(rate(grpc_server_handled_total{job="etcd"}[5m])) > 5 and on()
(sum(cluster_infrastructure_provider{type!~"ipi|BareMetal"} == bool 1))

Diagnosis #

All the gRPC errors should also be logged in each respective etcd instance logs. You can get the instance name from the alert that is firing or by running the query detailed above. Those etcd instance logs should serve as further insight into what is wrong.

Usually, in KubeSphere etcd is deployed on master nodes as a service of the master nodes, so login to the master node with the corresponding instance name, and check logs as follows:

journalctl -u etcd --no-pager -f

Mitigation #

Depending on the above diagnosis, the issue will most likely be described in the error log line of either etcd or openshift-etcd-operator. Most likely causes tend to be networking issues.